Tag Archives: Hawtpocket

Finding Momo. (And OLRG Postponed Due to Babies.*)

dame de fleur
Momokawa in my mind’s eye…add long ears and green grass hair, and done…

An adorable tumblr page I follow is Find Momo. Check it out. Today is THE DAY! The day I will get everything done. EVERYTHING!!! From groceries to garage, dusting to darning, and everything in between. Just kidding. No one darns anymore. But I can add some daydreaming in there, can’t I? Some “druiding” then.

Once in awhile I take a screenshot of when Mataoka does well...just to remind myself that enhancement shamans are powerful.
Once in awhile I take a screenshot of when Mataoka does well…just to remind myself that enhancement shamans are powerful.

Hawtpocket has been incredible — my first impressions of her, that amazingly calm leadership and superb tanking skills were spot on. She started an open raid group, and her vision is to create a solid group of players from around many servers. Her vision is one that I share–no borders or boundaries in Azeroth. We’re in our first week of normal raiding, and she’s asked that my beautiful Druid Momokawa heal. Momo, put down that sake bottle and get out there! And I am going to say something so obvious, so painfully smack-in-the-face there, you’re going to want to pinch me, but for the first time as a healer I want to craft my character to be competitive. Not competitive in the sense of I need to “beat” everyone, but keep up, contribute, and make things easier. One other druid, Henzuru, was kicking my tail feathers in heals, and I kept sneaking peeks at his gear, glyphs, and talents. His gear was not that much better than mine, glyphs and talents about the same, but he did something I hadn’t- he set his gear to tier. I discussed this with another Druid buddy, and he said the tier for Druid healing was essential. I dug through Momo’s bags and cobbled a set of tier: her gloves are heroic, her helm I believe from LFR, and everything in between. Like wearing a designer dress but granny panties, but it gets the job done.

Momokawa of Whisperwind: Going to Punch those Heals Out
Momokawa of Whisperwind: Going to Punch those Heals Out

Well of course I had to mog the wind-blown chicken helm that is the Helm of the Shattered Vale. More like Helm of the Shattered Windowpane. Her look is always changing, a work in progress, and when her cloak flashes its wings, the results can be disarming:

Cats with wings is pretty awesome, too...
Cats with wings is pretty awesome, too…

So I’ll be checking in with the most supreme expert Druid healer I know, Navimie, and checking my stats and mix things up. I will be adding gems and enchants, and am just thinking my hoarding paid off.

*In other news, I can’t make it tomorrow to OLRG because I’m going to a baby shower. See? Scared you didn’t I?

Oh, and wandering around, spotted a few cool things. First, give it up for Sharina, for that little gnome has style, baby!

How did she get all those dogs out?
How did she get all those dogs out?

And Drunken Fish is closer to the Classy Gnomes: GNOME OF ANYONE?!

Do you gnome someone who wants to be a Drunken Fish?
Do you gnome someone who wants to be a Drunken Fish?

And while looking for cool images came across this website:

This is what a human female warlock SHOULD look like...
This is what a human female warlock SHOULD look like…

So for now, that’s about it. Oh you’ll see me in Azeroth today, too. Always something to do there.

Best Three Words:

New shiny shinies!
New shiny shinies!

Nope, not “I love you,” or “Extra pickles, please,” but “Update (from armory).” I want to thank Hawt once again for a wonderful, stress-free, drama-free, super amazing fun time on a 25-man normal. I received a new shiny ring and a great trinket. Sure, I lost the roll of a most-coveted sword to Jed, but because he’s JED for Velen’s sake I can forgive him anything. (I really want a sword/wand and off-hand combo for Kellda: more mog options!) That was so much fun–I felt confident and relaxed. I wish I hadn’t cut open my left-hand’s middle finger on kitchen scissors before the fight, but that is still no excuse for my lackluster dps, however. But here’s the thing: I know how to take a long look at performance and correct it. After work today I’ll pour over Icy Veins and Ask Mr. Robot and make some gear and reforging corrections, review my glyphs, and then hit the target dummies for a bit. There is still work to do. Not to mention finding a band-aid. Thanks again, Hawt!

This is her character BigMac – she found a friend!

In WowInsider!
In WowInsider!

PS Time to catch up on some reading, too: http://wow.joystiq.com/2014/06/03/know-your-lore-the-lore-of-the-warlock/

And LUCKY! Finally I can get Matty out of that nasty, monkey-poo cave –
