Sweetness & Boredom

mataoka june 2016.png

So many of you have been enjoying the Legion PTR, giving us great tips so we’re prepared, but alas, I am going full-on grasshopper, screw the ants, being lazy, making stuff, and doing whatever is my fancy. For a few months, something wasn’t right — my hips constantly hurt, and turns out I have mild arthritis in both hips. It’s okay — I’m going to make sure I keep walking, etc. but sitting and playing for hours isn’t and can’t be my life anymore. If I sit for awhile, I need to be writing or planning. Or planning writing. Mataoka hasn’t spoken to me in a while: every time I log on I sense this sentient-being exasperation coming from her. She is bored. She’s dying to redecorate the Garrison, or do time walking dungeons a BIT MORE FASTER PLEASE, but alas, none of these things are in her control. And perhaps that’s the heart of boredom: when we don’t feel any sense of control, we give up. And when we give up, nothing engages us.

I know there are a few things that I will regret if I don’t do before Legion comes out, but damn if I feel like it. I haven’t even seen the Warcraft movie yet. (!) I will, I will…maybe even tomorrow. For now, I’ll just enjoy spreading a few pixels around and gazing at her pretty face. She’ll find some substance soon.



June: busy and painful.

Between me and Tome we’re falling apart. She can’t sit, and I can’t seem to stand enough, and well, just damn. Today I’m home with the wussiest of all things — double ear ache. Nothing dramatic, just need to find some Claritin and clean MY DAMN HOUSE.

Because relatives will be here soon.

And I’m depressed about politics.

And yeah.

But I did finally manage to get enough crystal thingies for the doohickymabob. I am so far behind everyone, and all my buddies got Betas for Legion, and well, damn.

Okay. Enough of this. I’ll come back when I have something more interesting to say.

