Tag Archives: Drunken Fish

OLRG: Infinite Potential Not Found


I had this dream this morning that I lost my big silver ring, stamped with the words, “Infinite Potential.” I retraced my steps, and a man cleaning a kitchen told me not to give up, and right when I did, found it in the sink. No need to contact Dr. Freud on this one.

Wonderful friend asked me last night about finding a proper guild last night. I’m not sure what he is looking for, but I know he enjoys raiding and was always a cracker-jack, dependable, and intelligent player. I told him about the only two I was really familiar with – Hawtpocket’s The Rubber Ducky Society, and of course, mine, the Drunken Fish. In any case, it does take time to find a good fit for a guild, and often when you do, the dynamics change and can leave a player distraught or thrilled.

lost cat awesome

I also have a big problem: tomorrow a ready-to-publish piece of writing is due for my writing class, and I have diddly-squat. I think I may cheat and review a Mrs. Whitworth story, and I have many story starters in mind, but nothing seems cogent. Today is jam-packed from morning till evening, so not sure when I planned on getting this done. I can’t write at work –unless I bring my own laptop, potentially everything I create on my work laptop could belong to my workplace, and I can’t have that. Write by hand, you say? Sure, I suppose I could do that. And then frantically type away after I meet a friend for wine and appetizers, give CD Rogue a kiss hello (he was on a business trip yesterday, and I haven’t been able to say hello yet), and help the Matty-shack ready for the weekend… Sounds like a job for Mrs. Whitworth! TO THE CANON PRINTER!

No wonder why I dreamed of lost things. But they were found, fortunately.

So my Old Ladies: if you are around on Sunday I would love to try to get some things together, or last Saturday afternoon. I should be home around 4 or 5, which may be too late for us on Saturday. We still need dragons, people. Dragon ponies all ’round!

Postscript: What the hell did the Blizzard artists do to Sylvanas and Varian? Erg…

They look way too bad Anime for my taste...
They look way too bad Anime for my taste…

good screen



A toast! Raise your mugs, steins, shot glass, pilsners, flutes, snifters, high balls, or rocks to us, THE DRUNKEN FISH, humbly begun by Señor, who allowed me to be the boss(y), La Patrona, Jefa, and Little Miss Pushy-Pants, and the two of us managed to scramble to the high teens. Breige brought her friends over, and this evening we pushed from 94% to 100% Level 25, baby! I am giddy– the only slight /aw moment is that my dear friend Señor was probably working when the odometer rolled over.

gracias a mis amigos, ustedes son la mejor

But here we are, in all our Alliance glory:

drunken fish drunken fish 2 guild 2 guild 3

Things that don’t matter…

…but they do.

There are things in Azeroth that have no other value than simply being a point of pride for me. Things that will be swept out to sea once the Orcs arrive. My most monumental challenge or ‘stupid goal’ is to get Drunken Fish to level 25 before Warlords comes out. (Did you ever hear of S.M.A.R.T. goals? Well I have S.T.U.P.I.D. goals: Slow, Tedious, Unimportant, Petulant, Insipid, and Dumb.) Fortunately, Breige came to my rescue (trust me, Señor does not care: he is smart), and brought along some of her friends from her other server. Misty created a human paladin, and has, for weeks, been leveling this faithful, consistent paladin from Level 1 to…crud, what level is she now? Eighty-five? More? And her mate, who has gone from Level 1 to well into the Level 30s. They were on when the guild hit Level 24 last night. I can’t think of enough ways to thank them–love doesn’t seem like enough. Know where I was? Drinking tequila and watching Neighbors. Some help I am.

Hammer that nail! Lift that 2x4!
Hammer that nail! Lift that 2×4!

So — my very creative Azerothian friends — what ways would you celebrate and show gratitude to virtual strangers who do kind things? I feel like I’ve fallen in with a group of Amish farmers who helped me raise my barn, even though I am a heathen. Elune be praised!

I am also interested in things in Azeroth that are important to you, but don’t really help your game play, or your future in WoD.

PS My Dragon’s Blood is on its way. I think they had to go out and kill real dragons.

PPS: All this? Señor, all the way:

Mr. Killy McKiller Kill
Mr. Killy McKiller Kill

Wingnuts & Wigs

Well, it’s about that time again when I feel the urge to change the guild name. I can’t get back THE Drunken Fish, so I took a cue from Cornwall, England, and found this great name:

Our New Guild Name

It’s perfect, isn’t it? It reminds me of Tome’s great idea that anyone who gets three cloaks on characters should receive the title “Wingnut.” Blizzard, make it so. Seriously. That’s awesome. If you give me that title, I swear I won’t open up the Wig & Penis. (Or is this just a misunderstanding in typography?)

Okay, so cool – new guild name found. Check. And I have so many other things to write about, too! I’ll just go look for my credit card to make that change…oh look! Hearthstone! I’ll go play that instead.








Forty-Beats #37

Voy a comerte!

In honor of the Drunken Fish reaching Level 19, and our reward of achieving “Honorable Mention,” a song about war. Thank you, Dahahaka, for your generous time sending me new music. This song in particular is reminiscent of old war ballads–poignant and honorable.

Reaching Level 19: I hope this makes my friend Señor happy since he is an amazing PvP’er, with over 250,000 honorable kills and the title of Bloodthirsty. (Sorry Horde friends, he’s on our side.)

War in World of Warcraft FAR better than any real life war. If only the only blood spilled was in a game.

Recently I realized a few things:

One, I miscounted Lent. Lent ends this Thursday, April 17. Good thing I’m not a religious practitioner nor a mathematician.

Second, while filling up my blogroll again it occurred to me that my obsession with writing is causing me the same issues as any addiction. My procrastination weighs heavily on my soul today. Other bloggers have no issue in letting their blogs sit for weeks or even months at a time, and yet we still read, and look for new posts. I admit I really struggled with Mataoka’s MRP storyline, and it’s still not edited; but I did what we do: sat my tail down and started writing. It helped having a conversation with my dear friend who gives me sage writing advice:

writing questions


writing advice 2

When I ask questions in text/chat, I often wonder how much is getting lost in translation, if I am coming off too forward or odd. Ultimately, though, as in my ‘real life,’ I have managed to find a core group of friends in Azeroth with whom I feel totally safe and trust. Funny how that works.

Finally–a huge thank you to Neo. Really. I am good as my word, and will not ask again. I have patience, and you have patience for me, and I won’t use my friendship cred again. Dios mio, that was silly last night. Will be packing Kellrose’s bags soon.


Postscript: the above crocodile brought to you courtesy of CD Rogue’s photography skills. She looks like she wasn’t interested in Americanos.