Tag Archives: Momokawa

Cheat Sheet.

cheat sheet

Just why do some players raise so many alts? I don’t know. I admire those those play one or two classes and thoroughly understand those said classes, including when change happens how to manage and adjust. In my experience, I never quite allow myself to understand and thoroughly study all the classes/specializations I play, but I do all right. (I must confess I get a little miffed when a player tells me things about Mataoka–almost five years and counting, she’s my girl, so back off, Jack.)

This post is for me, all for me, a simple place, where I can click and look up my stats for the girls quickly. If you find it useful, too, great.

mataokaEnhancement Shaman:

The stat priority for an Enhancement Shaman is:

  1. Agility;
  2. Haste (to about 50%);
  3. Mastery;
  4. Multistrike;
  5. Versatility;
  6. Critical Strike;
  7. Haste (after 50%).

A few explanations are needed here.

No, no explanations. No. No.


Restoration Shaman:

  1. Intellect;
  2. Spirit (until you are comfortable with your Mana regeneration);
  3. Mastery;
  4. Haste;
  5. Multistrike = Critical Strike;
  6. Versatility.

momokawaBalance Druid:

The stat priority for a Balance Druid is:

  1. Intellect;
  2. Mastery => Critical Strike;
  3. Haste;
  4. Multistrike;
  5. Versatility.

Restoration Druid:

The stat priority for a Restoration Druid is:

  1. Intellect;
  2. Haste;
  3. Mastery;
  4. Multistrike;
  5. Critical Strike;
  6. Versatility;
  7. Spirit.

kelldaDestruction Warlock:

The stat priority for a Destruction Warlock is:

  1. Intellect;
  2. Critical Strike;
  3. Mastery;
  4. Multistrike;
  5. Haste;
  6. Versatility.

Demonic Warlock:

The stat priority for a Demonology Warlock is:

  1. Intellect;
  2. Mastery;
  3. Critical Strike = Haste = Multistrike;
  4. Versatility.

zepHoly Priest:

We recommend this stat priority for Holy Priests.

  1. Multistrike;
  2. Haste;
  3. Intellect;
  4. Mastery;
  5. Versatility;
  6. Critical Strike.

Shadow Priest:

The stat priority for a Shadow Priest at level 100 depends greatly on the tier 7 talent used. Below, we will present you a stat priority that works quite well in all situations, and then a few specialised priorities.

1.1. General Priority

  1. Intellect;
  2. Spell Power;
  3. Critical Strike;
  4. Haste;
  5. Multistrike;
  6. Versatility
  7. Mastery.
keep reading

1.2. Clarity of Power Priorities

1.2.1. Single Target, Traditional

  1. Intellect;
  2. Spell Power;
  3. Mastery;
  4. Multistrike;
  5. Critical Strike;
  6. Haste;
  7. Versatility Rating.

1.2.2. Clarity of Power Lite, DoT Weaving, or Multiple Target

  1. Intellect;
  2. Spell Power;
  3. Multistrike;
  4. Critical Strike;
  5. Haste;
  6. Versitility;
  7. Mastery.
keep reading

1.3. Void Entropy

  1. Intellect;
  2. Spell Power;
  3. Multistrike;
  4. Critical Strike;
  5. Haste;
  6. Versatility;
  7. Mastery.

1.4. Auspicious Spirits

  1. Intellect;
  2. Spell Power;
  3. Critical Strike;
  4. Haste;
  5. Multistrike;
  6. Versitility;
  7. Mastery.


too many word things with things to say words that what that say words saying things with words

luperci the brave and beautifulProtection Paladin:

The stat priority for Protections Paladins is as follows:

  1. Bonus Armor;
  2. Haste;
  3. Critical Strike (if you are using the Seraphim Icon Seraphim talent);
  4. Mastery;
  5. Critical Strike;
  6. Versatility;
  7. Multistrike.

CenizaFire Mage:

The stat priority for a Fire Mage is:

  1. Intellect;
  2. Critical Strike;
  3. Mastery;
  4. Multistrike = Haste;
  5. Versatility.

Mastery, Multistrike, and Haste are relatively close in value. When choosing an upgrade, simply choose whichever has a highest Critical Strike and either Mastery, Multistrike, or Haste. (That’s easy to remember.)


Beast Mastery Hunter:

The stat priority for a Beast Mastery Hunter is:

  1. Weapon DPS;
  2. Agility;
  3. Multistrike;
  4. Mastery;
  5. Versatility;
  6. Haste;
  7. Critical Strike.

Not even going to touch Monk healing, Warrior-ing or Rogues today. Or Death Knights. I miss my monk, Sajja, very much, and Heartichoke is lonesome, as gnomes often are. In the meantime, I’ll keep trying to get what these girls need, save some gems and enchants, and stash away gold for all those repair bills. They’re going to need it.

Who’s a pretty bird?! Who? WHO?

A druid with a bird on her head: an exercise of redundancy, and epic adorability
A druid with a bird on her head: an exercise of redundancy, and epic adorability

















Well me, duh.

I am feeling undue guilt over being bored–I think some folks thought I was putting down garrisons or new content. That’s not what I was trying to say–I was contemplating those moments when we are engaged in any activity and find it lacking. The arrogance of allowing oneself to feel bored–the audacity–mea culpa. The entire universe is laid at my hooves and I want variety? Tsk.

The thing is I don’t want more–I want to enjoy and understand what’s there. And in terms of Azeroth, I’m not there yet. But, the developers and designers seem to be preparing for more, so here it is. The same is true in my real life. My real, messy, unorganized, blurry life. Time to understand what’s the task in front of my nose often doesn’t leave room to step around and look at the big picture. But, c’est la guerre.

And honestly: boredom is usually just a mask for loneliness –when we are in our OWN heads and come up short for company.

What’s a girl to do? To the transmogifier, of course!

mat 1 15 zep 1 15








Mataoka’s bad-ass black look was inspired by Pretty Fly’s amazing blog: she really knows her stuff!

And Pepe. Pepe is friggin’ adorable.



Those bird things that fight the Arakkoa remind me of The Chicken Lady:

Yeah. I miss Kids in the Hall.

NSFW: Honey Bunny Wins One!

This is how I felt when I entered Tarren Mill again this afternoon:

Yes, I am not ashamed to say that when I saw that Tarren Mill vs Southshore was open for a bit more, I thought, “you know, self, why not? Try it one more time…got a hunch about this…” And Momokawa entered the battle, Alliance was up, there were only 5 minutes on the clock, and a warlock was shouting BACK BACK BACK…and Momokawa joined in, Honey-Bunny style, and said GET THE EFFFFFBEEEEEP**#***#*#* BACK OR YOU WILL LOSE….and a few other choice words. Was it the level of nerd rage from this otherwise sweet, beautiful druid that scared the shit out of the Alliance players that eventually cowed them to GET THE EFFF BACK and win? The world may never know.

Yes, I have quite a mouth on me.
Yes, I have quite a mouth on me….

So the Terror of Tauren Mill is mine, Navimie. Whew!

OLRG: Everyone needs an owl!

Yeah, so I read Buzzfeed. So what?

So I challenged myself to get Momokawa to Level 100, gear her up, and be ready for another, and last go, at Molten Core with the Old Ladies.Though a few of my chicas still need their 640 helms, I am really trying not to play so much. In fact, I have a date with a friend at our workplace: we love to go and hang out, get stuff done, and consider our work our ‘studios’ if you will. I would rather go to work than stay home, too: I’m on strike for kitchen duty: I’ve emptied the dishwasher and filled it every morning this week while the nocturnal druids of the Matty-shack snooze away, and I’m not having it today. It’s killing me that there is a pile of dishes left for me every night, and I’m trying to be understanding. So, efff it –Momokawa did her Silver PG with no problem (what the hell was up with the priest anyway? Maybe my bitching, er ticket to the GMs “fixed” it.) She ran some LFRs, got some goodies, had some crafted gear made, and voila! She is ready for her close-up, and her helm.

Kick-ass Momokawa
Kick-ass Momokawa

Oh and look! Since switching to WordPress, I too now get my Annual Report. The post “Bitchy Resting Face” is the clear winner, but only because a superstar like Cymre reposted it. I don’t know if I can top that one, but meh. It’s cool, it’s cool. Those Draenei still suffer from BRF, and the human females still have thyroid issues, and the Devs and GMs do not care.

I see your apathy, good sirs, and raise you with a hearty WHATEVER.

In any case, here’s my week – work, play, clean up Christmas, work, play, work, watch LOTR marathon, work, play, and SATURDAY – want to go again? Around 3PM Pacific time? Maybe a little earlier? What say you?

Legal in Lunarfall…

I've got a gift for you!
I’ve got a gift for you!

So there’s this cave of Druids. I found it during the early phases of building, but now I can’t find it again. Like a magic fairy circle, those Druids are shifty ones, that’s for sure.  Didn’t know about it? Of course you did! Who doesn’t know when there’s a nest of Druids squatting in a cave under their house? (Well, the mice are gone in the Matty-shack, but the psychological scars remain.)

Well much like other hidden things in Draenor, Druids can be hard to catch. I imagine them seeking sanctuary, laying low until they’re needed to wrath and claw. They do enjoy their herbs, however, so maybe they’re not taking action because they’re–well. Sleepy. Very very sleepy. With munchies. The jurisdiction of King W does not extend to their enclave so they are free to use as much incense as they choose. Who can blame them? Those caves get mighty musty, not to mention the funk of bear form.

Now one thing that’s delighted me as a I travel the new old world is finding many familiar faces along the way. Look! There’s Justin Timberlord. Maybe he spooked the druids with all that tree-cutting–they feared for life and limb. It’s the beginning of the holiday season, and every time I think of Justin Timberlake Timberlord I think of a very special gift. The next time time Justin Timberland hands over a crate of garrison goodies, hope you think of this:

<div itemprop=”video” itemscope itemtype=”http://schema.org/VideoObject”&gt;//player.theplatform.com/p/NnzsPC/widget/select/media/ZmK279EsYEKq?carouselID=139011</div>


Look! I found my friend Cymre’s NPC! If I had an NPC in the game, it would be find the Altaholic Intervention Therapist.

Can I get your autograph? No. Damn.
Can I get your autograph? No? Damn.


Momokawa found them, of course.

momo found them

Class Action…

Poor CD Rogue. Though I warned him of the changes to his fierce, bad-ass rogue, no amount of description could do justice to the amateurish garbage that is now the human female model. One of the most pointed critiques, as in “took the words right out of my mouth” is from Wolfgangcat, in her post “Plastic Surgery.”

I am not ready to get over it yet, and am indeed, still really heartbroken.

But there was a tiny spark of light:

Momokawa in her Moonkin form:


Must have had a senior artist design this. I wish I could stage a protest at Blizzcon about how I feel about the rest of them though.

Humans. So bad. So very, very bad. Get my goblin lawyer on the phone.

But this is good. Very, very good:

RTMT: Regrowth.

Regrowth photo by Matty
Regrowth (Photo by Matty)

I don’t know about this Azeroth place anymore.

I am beginning to understand why players stick with maybe one to three solid classes/specializations: truly and deeply specializing takes hours of intense scrutiny and practice. I am feeling somewhat a restoration druid ‘failure’ these days: I have the gear, and yet I still can’t produce the healing potential Momokawa possesses. One HUGE issue I had the other night was I tried to use Clique, and it was an abysmal failure. Well, it wasn’t: I was. I didn’t take the time to try to understand it, and it disrupted my targeting. That’s an understatement.

Matty-Shack 2018
Matty-Shack 2018

Sitting here trying to decide what kind of player I want to be, after all these years: do I want to focus on one or two characters and dig into raiding? Do I want to go more solo, play with my Garrison?

Not this Garrison...
Not this Garrison…
...this one
…this one

I don’t know. Don’t judge me, please –it could happen to anyone–but in my own little Matty-shack a mouse family has moved in (I have called in professionals to help them move out), and the wisteria vines engulfed over the eastern facade, growing into the crevices of shingles, denying their shoots of sunlight, producing pale whitish-yellow chlorophyll-depleted tendrils. In other words: I better look after my own garrison, instead of a make-believe one. I envision a not-too-distant-future where I’m sitting at my keyboard adding a pet or lighting sconce to pixelized castle while around me are mouse parties and Sleeping Beauty style thorny vines.

The mice didn't seem to have any trouble...
The mice didn’t seem to have any trouble…

Warlords of Draenor is going to be huge. Garrisons will be awesome. The story will be fine, and Draenei will have a role to play. It’ll all work out, and is not worth any iota of stress or concern.

Then why am I starting to wake up again at 5:30AM with headaches? 

I see your Raid Leader and raise you a Ragnaros!
I see your Raid Leader and raise you a Ragnaros!

Here is what I do know: summer is drawing to a fast close, and this summer has been wonderful for me. I consciously did nothing. I read one book (and I loved it, every word). I watched Game of Thrones repeats on Netflix. I played Hearthstone like a old card shark. I sat like Margot Tenenbaum (without the cigarettes) and relaxed as if it was my job.

Not a bad way to spend summer...
Not a bad way to spend summer…

I had a great time yesterday goofing off with Starre in Blackwing Lair on various characters, and made a Red Knight ensemble for Luperci:

dragon shield

red lupeSo mice, take notice: pack your little cheesy bags and get the hell out of Dodge. I know you’re not like Cinderella mice and will not sew any dresses or make pearl necklaces for me, so scram. I’ve got other things to do than worry about you.

Like go get a kitten.

PS If you’r bored, take this gamer quiz.

/dies of cuteness

I cannot tell you how thrilled I am when Navimie sent me an e-mail telling me Sleepingfox was accepting commissions again for her perfect, adorable, and amazing chibis:

Haanta and Sweater
Haanta and Sweater

I stared at Momokawa’s for full ten minutes. The details in her shoulders, (the Mantle of the Haunted Forest may be one of my top three most-loved designs in Azeroth) her beautiful, kind face–I love it. Zeptepi’s image is from one of my favorite posts (which of course now I can’t find). It’s about love, redemption, and healing. Mataoka was tough: to show her in her healing gear, sins washed away with the power of the elements, or in her Kor’kron set, fiery and ready for retribution? At her heart, she fights with maces and axes, and will stand hoof-to-toe with anyone who hurts her or her family. Haanta is shown with her first love, Sweater the Bear. Sweater is enjoying his retirement, eating honeycomb and grubs, and getting his belly rubbed.

Now, I realize Sleepingfox has been doing this for awhile. She is incredibly talented, of that there is no doubt. I submit this for consideration: when you are creating art for clients there is another level of professionalism and talent that must be recognized. It’s not easy to please others. To me, she is the consummate artist: using her talents to bring joy to others, too, and understanding their vision while incorporating her own interpretation. Well done, very, very well done.

I couldn’t be more thrilled.

Its own reward…

Remember the original Willy Wonka movie, with Gene Wilder? If you haven’t seen it, and I’m about to spoil a movie from 1971 shield your sweet Millennial eyes and look away because it’s happening: the climax of the movie where Charlie and his grandfather bear the famous “I said good day sir!” tirade, and instead of feeling entitled or justified in stealing Wonka’s trade secrets, Charlie returns the Ever-Lasting Gobstopper, a revolutionary candy. Wonka is in such awe, incredulous disbelief that a young boy would have the morals and scruples that no other human on planet Earth seemed to possess, it’s one of films greatest moments.

But something happened last night that made me see it slightly differently. I now understand the conflict Wonka must have felt, and perhaps a bit of shame in that he put a young boy through such a moral obstacle course: his relief that Charlie does the right thing is palatable and thrilling, but also a little haunting.

I’ve been trying to get Momokawa gear and better healing weapons (that sounds counter-intuitive: healing weapons – like an Azerothian oxymoron). Hawtpocket and I talked about her gear yesterday for a bit before the run, and my goals for gear. She needed better tier pieces, and definitely the mace and cricket cage (she has the off-hand from the big metal scorpion, and an LFR mace—ew!) One monk who’s been steadily there, Secondlight, is a wonderful Mistweaver monk. Jealously, I would look at his numbers, feel discouraged, and wish for more lucky drops. Every extra roll token for weeks has earned me only gold. (Sometimes I wish we didn’t have this ‘gear insurance’ because it sometimes sours or makes the loss magnified: you didn’t get gear once, and you didn’t get gear twice: you are a double loser!)

As seen in former beauty...
As seen in former beauty…

Momokawa is not used to feeling envy, though green is her color.

I’ve heard speak in Vent a few times, and asked him last night if he was from Australia (his server is Navimie’s former one, Dath’Remar), and he confirmed. I whispered him that was good news, because my husband says every time we hear an Aus accent we have to drink. (And then I made CD Rogue get me a small glass of red wine. I am fully prepared to take advantage of an opportunity.)

A True Healer
A True Healer

When we rolled on Dark Shaman gear, he won the Kardris Sceptor, I was really sad. My shoulders slumped, I felt bitchy and petty. Yuck, Matty!! YUCK! Those tiny moments I know I’d better dust my stupid self and snap the hell out of it. He was using a staff, and of course wanted a healing mace. Who wouldn’t? This is when I seriously question my judgment, or lack thereof, for having three relatively strong, or potentially strong, healers, and not focusing on any one to get gear. And I felt ashamed at myself for caring even for one minute that I would have to continue to be patient and try for the mace, and carry on with my LFR one. Hey, I told myself– the more gear others get the less they’ll need next time, right?! Somehow that helped when I reframed it that way.

We get to the General, and get through it no problem. We move on to the next wing, and he whispers me that he won the sword on the General, and would I like that? Well, sure, but Druids cannot equip swords. (Must be the iron: fairy folks and their brethren do not like iron.)

Know what he did next? He gave me the healing mace.

He gave me the Ever-Lasting Gobstopper.

(You know what gob means, right? Mouth. Yes. It SHUT ME UP.)

most important

My heart is bursting still at his generosity: I asked him several times if he was sure, and he had one request, to essentially do something kind for someone else. I told him what I do for work and he said that counts, (I’m paraphrasing). I do try to help, and I help every day. I give a lot to others, but my return on karmic investment is worth it. But this isn’t about me – this is about that once in awhile, someone acts in such a generous and gracious manner, it must be shouted from the rooftops.

Coincidentally, Navimie just posted this about making new friends:

People will say they avoid these interactions because of bad experiences – but to be honest, maybe it’s because I only remember the good ones that’s why I like to keep doing them.  And you never know – you may start that domino effect, where someone you randomly helped feels more confident or inclined to help somebody else who in turn helps someone else.  That’s a lot of someone elses!  And you never know – you may make a new friend 😀

I’m still feeling like someone put a Gobstopper on my desk. Thank you Secondlight–you just made two worlds a better place.

Our raiding goals are to get through the end before WoD – I see others have multiple Garrosh kills, yet I and my comrades are still waiting for ours. Thank heavens for players like Hawt, Secondlight, Moonmagick, who are so generous with their time, insight, and support. We couldn’t play without these things.

Finding Momo. (And OLRG Postponed Due to Babies.*)

dame de fleur
Momokawa in my mind’s eye…add long ears and green grass hair, and done…

An adorable tumblr page I follow is Find Momo. Check it out. Today is THE DAY! The day I will get everything done. EVERYTHING!!! From groceries to garage, dusting to darning, and everything in between. Just kidding. No one darns anymore. But I can add some daydreaming in there, can’t I? Some “druiding” then.

Once in awhile I take a screenshot of when Mataoka does well...just to remind myself that enhancement shamans are powerful.
Once in awhile I take a screenshot of when Mataoka does well…just to remind myself that enhancement shamans are powerful.

Hawtpocket has been incredible — my first impressions of her, that amazingly calm leadership and superb tanking skills were spot on. She started an open raid group, and her vision is to create a solid group of players from around many servers. Her vision is one that I share–no borders or boundaries in Azeroth. We’re in our first week of normal raiding, and she’s asked that my beautiful Druid Momokawa heal. Momo, put down that sake bottle and get out there! And I am going to say something so obvious, so painfully smack-in-the-face there, you’re going to want to pinch me, but for the first time as a healer I want to craft my character to be competitive. Not competitive in the sense of I need to “beat” everyone, but keep up, contribute, and make things easier. One other druid, Henzuru, was kicking my tail feathers in heals, and I kept sneaking peeks at his gear, glyphs, and talents. His gear was not that much better than mine, glyphs and talents about the same, but he did something I hadn’t- he set his gear to tier. I discussed this with another Druid buddy, and he said the tier for Druid healing was essential. I dug through Momo’s bags and cobbled a set of tier: her gloves are heroic, her helm I believe from LFR, and everything in between. Like wearing a designer dress but granny panties, but it gets the job done.

Momokawa of Whisperwind: Going to Punch those Heals Out
Momokawa of Whisperwind: Going to Punch those Heals Out

Well of course I had to mog the wind-blown chicken helm that is the Helm of the Shattered Vale. More like Helm of the Shattered Windowpane. Her look is always changing, a work in progress, and when her cloak flashes its wings, the results can be disarming:

Cats with wings is pretty awesome, too...
Cats with wings is pretty awesome, too…

So I’ll be checking in with the most supreme expert Druid healer I know, Navimie, and checking my stats and mix things up. I will be adding gems and enchants, and am just thinking my hoarding paid off.

*In other news, I can’t make it tomorrow to OLRG because I’m going to a baby shower. See? Scared you didn’t I?

Oh, and wandering around, spotted a few cool things. First, give it up for Sharina, for that little gnome has style, baby!

How did she get all those dogs out?
How did she get all those dogs out?

And Drunken Fish is closer to the Classy Gnomes: GNOME OF ANYONE?!

Do you gnome someone who wants to be a Drunken Fish?
Do you gnome someone who wants to be a Drunken Fish?

And while looking for cool images came across this website:

This is what a human female warlock SHOULD look like...
This is what a human female warlock SHOULD look like…

So for now, that’s about it. Oh you’ll see me in Azeroth today, too. Always something to do there.