no no no no okay maybe yes

Numbers I would like to know:

A.How many new subscribers did Blizzard get?

B. How much new revenue was earned when people just couldn’t deal with their human females?

C. What the f&ck were they thinking?

See B.

Answer: At least a few bucks from the MattyShack.


My wonderful paladin friend was on, and sent me a similar link to this comparison:


This is more like it:

kellda black hair

And perhaps yes, red hair, golden eyes


I do have more to say, but need your opinion for now: black or red-head? You know we warlocks are too full of sugar and lust, so perhaps red it is. 

The autumn rains are falling, the minions are restless. Last night I had to leave the raid without any warning. Let’s just say CD Rogue and I had an exchange not unlike Key & Peele (only not as funny)

Fortunately everyone understood that sometimes the real flesh and blood people take precedence. And I didn’t have to look at Mataoka’s bug eyes. I think Blizzard had a little misunderstanding about some things, too.

But yes, the Toy Box is cool.